Sister, Heal Your Heart and Claim Ownership of Your Life

Sweetheart, It's In Your Hands

In How to Heal the Bad Dad, Lee expands on something very essential: It's Not Your Fault. No matter what you went through, you are not responsible for your father's actions, and it's not your job to fix him. What I am proposing to you is taking a journey of personal healing, where you reclaim control of your inner peace.

The peace of mind you seek was never dependent upon him or anyone else. So how do you heal without closure? How do you improve a relationship if they are absent? How do you move on if they are abusive? It starts with understanding your life's purpose.

Are you ready to find your peace again? To love without expectations and to heal without depending on others? This book guides you, step by step, in freeing yourself from everything that is holding you back and will help you reclaim your happiness.

Studies have shown that if you don’t act within the first 5 seconds of an opportunity, you miss the blessing of that opportunity. How long have you been putting off healing your emotional anxiety? Take these 5 seconds and seize this opportunity for having the emotional security you’ve always wanted and the intimate relationships you’ve always desired. Sweetheart, it’s in your hands.

Client Testimony

How to Heal The Bad Dad changed my life. This healing guide is for those who have suffered from the emotional failings of a father. Lee Mertins has helped many women have healthy and loving relationships with their fathers, partners, and men in general, even if reconnecting with their dad is impossible.

He guides you on a deep and liberating journey, aimed at regaining control of your inner peace, without the need to change others. By explaining how love is not built on need, he invites us to transform pain into serenity. Through this book, you will discover that healing comes through reconnecting with yourself and reclaiming your own happiness. This is an invitation to heal and free yourself from the chains of the past to live a free, fulfilled and peaceful life.

If you truly want to heal your heart, free yourself from the beliefs that your not fully complete because of the void you feel around your relationship to your father and shift your reality to a freer and more fulfilling life, then read this book. You will thank yourself immensely.